
Ken Luke

Ep 25-2 Boosting Immunity in Kids: Top Supplements that Help. (Pt2)

Circee Health-pod | Naturally become, and stay, disease free!
Circee Health-pod | Naturally become, and stay, disease free!
Ep 25-2 Boosting Immunity in Kids: Top Supplements that Help. (Pt2)

Dr. Jenny and Ajoy continue their foray into boosting your kids’ (and your own!) immunity. Having discussed specific foods in the previous episode, they move on to discuss particular vitamins and minerals and the nitty gritty as to why the body needs them. Ever wonder if you should give your kids vitamins? Tune in to find out the answer to these and many more burning questions!

In Part 2, they not only talk about some more supplements but also discuss supplements versus taking in nutrition directly through foods.

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Ken Luke

Ep 25-1 Boosting Immunity in Kids: Top Supplements that Help. (Pt1)

Circee Health-pod | Naturally become, and stay, disease free!
Circee Health-pod | Naturally become, and stay, disease free!
Ep 25-1 Boosting Immunity in Kids: Top Supplements that Help. (Pt1)

Dr. Jenny and Ajoy continue their foray into boosting your kids’ (and your own!) immunity. Having discussed specific foods in the previous episode, they move on to discuss particular vitamins and minerals and the nitty gritty as to why the body needs them. Ever wonder if you should give your kids vitamins? Tune in to find out the answer to these and many more burning questions!

In Part 1, they discuss a few supplements and talk about some foods that also help.

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Ken Luke

Ep 24-2 Boosting Immunity in Kids. Top Dozen Foods that Can Help. (Pt2)

Circee Health-pod | Naturally become, and stay, disease free!
Circee Health-pod | Naturally become, and stay, disease free!
Ep 24-2 Boosting Immunity in Kids. Top Dozen Foods that Can Help. (Pt2)

Do you worry about your kids’ immunity now that everyone is back in school, and it also happens to be winter- i.e. respiratory virus season?! Worry no more, for Dr. Jenny having just returned from a stint in her US clinic and has respiratory viruses fresh on her brain! How can you protect your kiddos (and yourself) from these nasty bugs and generally improve their immunity?

In part 2, Dr. Jenny and Ajoy start with what you should put on their plate! They provide a the rest half of the dozen foods that can help you boost your child’s immunity towards coughs, colds, ear infections, etc.

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Ken Luke

Ep 24-1 Boosting Immunity in Kids. Top Dozen Foods that Can Help. (Pt1)

Circee Health-pod | Naturally become, and stay, disease free!
Circee Health-pod | Naturally become, and stay, disease free!
Ep 24-1 Boosting Immunity in Kids. Top Dozen Foods that Can Help. (Pt1)

Do you worry about your kids’ immunity now that everyone is back in school, and it also happens to be winter- i.e. respiratory virus season?! Worry no more, for Dr. Jenny having just returned from a stint in her US clinic and has respiratory viruses fresh on her brain! How can you protect your kiddos (and yourself) from these nasty bugs and generally improve their immunity?

In part 1, Dr. Jenny and Ajoy start with what you should put on their plate! They provide a top half-a-dozen foods that can help you boost your child’s immunity towards coughs, colds, ear infections, etc. Plus there is one bonus food thrown in at the end to make it a total of seven food items! 🙂

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My condition was progressively deteriorating over the past 2 years. I’d been good at taking my medicine and exercising so knew I should have felt better. My arthritis and scleroderma were really affecting my quality of life. Increasing pain and fatigue were wearing me down.

Dr. Jenny and Ajoy came well-recommended so I got in touch. I completed a short questionnaire before my consultation. Covid meant it was all done over VC. They put me at ease, and it was like we were in the same room. They asked all the right medical and lifestyle questions without judgement. They devised a plan which was holistic, realistic and easy to follow. Their gentle and knowledgeable coaching kept me on track.

The resulting decrease in swelling and pain has given me a new lease of life in a few weeks. I feel so much better and look so much happier. I felt they were genuinely interested in my well-being. Happy to highly recommend them.
