Glossary of Terms
Often, we are asked to explain the medical jargon that we inadvertently use in our podcasts and videos. We have not only embedded these wherever we speak of them, but also added them in this central place. Here, you will find medical terms, names of diseases and laboratory tests.
As we use the terms, we will add them here, therefore please keep this page handy and do visit it often to see if there is anything that has changed. Of course, if you would like to add anything else to this list, please do let us know.
Why Do We Get Fat Over Time?
Have you ever asked why do we not gain muscle instead of fat? That would be wonderful, wouldn’t it? Eat a lot of protein and start looking like a bodybuilder! To understand why we gain fat, we need to understand how our bodies are built. Recall from our biology class that we use carbohydrates from food […]
How can I be diabetic? I am a skinny Indian!
This article is meant more for those living in South Asia or have a South Asian lifestyle (of being primarily lactoovo-vegetarian), but it applies to anyone that is “skinny fat”. But let me clarify something, Ajoy is not diabetic nor was he when in 2007 this photo was taken. I am only using the photo […]
We taste from our what.... again?
Bones. Yes, you read it right. We taste from our bones. Why just bones, what if I told you that we taste not just with our tongue, but from many other organs. Do you recall learning about flies and how they can taste from various parts of their bodies? As a refresher, here is a […]
Walk away from loud foods
Loud foods are those that advertise themselves as being rich in some protein, mineral, fiber, etc. or low in other such as fat, salt, sugar. Real food does not need to talk to you. By that I mean the foods that are good for you, do not come with labels. Eat those! We say that if […]
Excess sugar intake is not the leading cause of diabetes. Surprised?
We think of excess sugar when we think of diabetes. But did you know that excess sugar is a symptom of diabetes and not the cause? If someone comes to me with high fever and I find that they have typhoid, it is no point trying to treat their fever, rather than address the infection that […]
No harm in eating meat, fish, eggs, dairy... once in a while.
We understand that it is not easy to turn your lifestyle around quickly. After all, it took you quite a while to get where you are. So, it is unreasonable to expect that you’d change your diet quickly. Your ultimate goal should be, as Michael Pollan says, “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” Regardless of […]
In defense of diets - especially Paleo, Keto and LCHF.
Let’s face it – diets work! When you are on these diets, you watch what you eat and how much you eat. Therefore, you start seeing results. You lose weight, you gain muscle, you feel energized. In the beginning, all is well. Then the seesaw starts. You fall off the wagon, you get back on; […]
Eat slightly damaged fruits and veggies for better health.
It is well-known that plants defend themselves against attacks by producing chemicals that are not so good for the attacker. Most studies have centered around insect infestations. The small amounts produced are either foul smelling or tasting – for the insect. It just so happens that what is bad for the insect is not necessarily […]
Too much belly fat? Try Intermittent Fasting - it's easier than you think!
We all know what fasting is – it is the method of not eating for certain periods, so as a result, you eat less overall. But in intermittent fasting, you actually do not have to eat less; just eat only during particular times of the day. In other words, you follow an eating pattern in which you alternate periods […]
Avocado and chickpea (faux tuna) salad
Here is one healthy recipe that take barely any time to make, yet is delicious and healthy! Ingredients: 2 avocado 2 cans of chickpeas (garbanzos) 1 whole lemon, juiced 1 medium red onion, chopped [rml_read_more] 2 stalks of celery, chopped 2T dill, chopped 2T dijon mustard 8-10 almonds, crushed and toasted Sunflower sprouts (or sprouts […]