Butternut Squash Soup


1 butternut squash

olive oil spray

1/4 stick of butter

1 medium onion

2 carrots

3 celery sticks

3 garlic cloves

3-4 sprigs of thyme

1 sprig rosemary

5 cups vegetable stock

3 chipotle chilies with 3 tbl sp adobo sauce

2 tblsp sour cream

1/4 stick butter



Pre-heat oven to 400 F. Chop butternut squash into two and scoop out the seeds. Spray with olive oil and bake for 45 minutes. Meanwhile, chop celery, carrots, onion and garlic. In a large pot, add 1/.2 the vegan butter and saute the chopped vegetables. Once softened, saute garlic and add thyme and rosemary. Scoop out the butternut squash with a spoon and add to mixture and saute. Add the vegetable stock, adobo sauce and cook for about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, chop the chipotle and add to the sour cream with a pinch of salt. Use an immersion blender and blend the soup. Serve with a dollop of the sour cream.

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My condition was progressively deteriorating over the past 2 years. I’d been good at taking my medicine and exercising so knew I should have felt better. My arthritis and scleroderma were really affecting my quality of life. Increasing pain and fatigue were wearing me down.

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