Beetroot pastrami

Here is a twist to a classic Jewish recipe that traditionally calls for beefless or salmon. Instead of using meat or fish, I used beetroot to make a healthy, vegan  alternative.



– 4 Beetroots
– 1T salt
– 2t coriander, freshly ground
– 2t black pepper, freshly ground [rml_read_more]
– 2t paprika
– 2t olive oil


Clean and peel the beetroots. add the oil to a bowl as shown. Mix all the spices together. [rml_read_more]


Coat each beetroot individually.


Wrap each beetroot in aluminum foil and bake for 1hr at 375oF.




Using a mandolin, cut it into thin slices and keep refrigerated.

Suggested serving would be with rye bread with a little mustard and fried onions. Enjoy!

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